24. Barbara * 1449/1453 + before 12 May 1507
She was the daughter of the Prince of Cieszyn, Bolesław II and Princess Anna, the daughter of Iwan of Bielsko. Sometime between 4 September and 12 December 1469 she married Baltazar, Prince of Żagań. Soon after, this marriage became one of the measures taken by Matthias Corvinus to incorporate the Duchy of Żagań into the domain that he had been building up in Silesia.
Some years after the death of Baltazar (15 July 1472), Barbara was married again, this time to the Prince of Zator, Jan V, before 1477. Barbara died sometime before 12 May 1507, childless, possibly owing to the consanguinity between her and her husband.
(K. Jasiński, Rodowód, p. 185, I. Panic, Polityka Macieja Korwina, p. 383 ff.)