9. Standard of the Cieszyn nobility, 1662
The nobility of Cieszyn took part for many years in the battles with the Turks, who menaced Central Europe from the 14th century. Their main task was the defence of Silesia’s southern frontier, and it was for this purpose that the Jablonkov defensive line was constructed. Many of Cieszyn’s nobles also took part in the battles in Hungary, including those in the early 17th century under the command of the Duke of Cieszyn Adam Wacław.
There were also numerous wars against the Turks in the time of Leopold I’s reign (1647-1705). They reached their climax with the siege of Vienna by Kar Mustafa’s forces, which were defeated thanks to the marvellous victory of the hussars under Polish King Jan III Sobieski in 1683. Earlier, in 1662, Leopold issued the noble statelets of the Duchy of Cieszyn with their own standard in recognition of their services in the fight against the Turks. On one side is displayed the letter L and the legend “Pro Deo et Patria”, and on the other the black Habsburg eagle with the letter L on its breast. Before this found its way to the museum, it was kept in the building of the Regional Parliament in Cieszyn.