A tenement-house “Under the Chestnut-Tree
A tenement-house “Under the Chestnut-Tree" in New Town street. Since the XVIIIth century it had been a palace of the barons Kalischs, later Mattencloits. A well-known water-colourist Karol Niedoba, called ,,the painter of the Cieszyn landscapes", lived in here in the years 1906-1947. A Craft retstaurant together with a hostel for the members of the carpenter's and shoemaker's crafts was on the first floor.
H. Wawreczka, J. Spyra, M. Makowski "Cieszyn, Czeski Cieszyn na starych widokówkach i fotografiach" WART, Nebory 1999 r.