About cieszynianka
While visiting charming corners of Ziemia Cieszyńska (Cieszyn Land) in the early spring you can find, among the blossoming nature, a modest but beautiful little green flower...This is cieszynianka wiosenna.
About drowners
If, during your evening stroll along the Olza river you see an animal near the water that behaves in a strange way or a figure that looks peculiar and puffs a pipe – it means you are lucky, but watch out! You have met a drowner (utopiec) in person.
About the founding of Cieszyn
In the far distant past, somewhere on the Polish lands, there stood a wooden city that was the abode of Prince Leszek. The good lord ruled his people justly. Their three sons, Bolko, Leszko, and Cieszko, were the pride and joy of the venerable princely couple. The inhabitants of the city sincerely liked the young lads.
About the Black Princess
Katarzyna Sydonia, the second wife of Adam Wacław, a Cieszyn Prince, was extremely fond of hunting. She could spend hours in the saddle without a trace of tiredness, she had a sharp eye and a sure hand; she hardly ever missed a target. She kept a whole pack of excellent dogs and her stable was also a justified source of her pride.
About Ondraszek
The English have their Robin Hood, the Swiss-Wilhelm Tell, the Tatra highlanders sing the praises of Janosik and the most famous Beskid highlander is Ondraszek. His memory has survived in folk legends, songs, and works of art and literature.