The upper part of Arch. Stephana street and Square of the Holy Cross (Plac Świętego Krzyża
The upper part of Arch. Stephana street and Square of the Holy Cross (Plac Świętego Krzyża) and in the middle of the photograph a secessionist tenement-house built in 1912, which had the first lift in Cieszyn. This part was built following Eugen Fulda's design. On the first floor there was a textil shop of the first class, whose owner was Karl O. Aufricht; in the garret there was a modern studio belonging to the well-known Viennese photographic company of Karl Pietzner.
H. Wawreczka, J. Spyra, M. Makowski "Cieszyn, Czeski Cieszyn na starych widokówkach i fotografiach" WART, Nebory 1999 r.