Cieszyn's Wildlife
Cieszyn’s wildlife has not been fully studied and documented so there is no way of presenting comprehensive information about the animal and plant life in the area. Floral, phytosociological and partly faunal work has been carried out on protected areas. Apart from that exhaustive dendrological inventories have been drawn up for most parks and green spaces in the centre of Cieszyn.
The following information about plant and animal life in Cieszyn is a brief summary of the most important features and does not represent a full wildlife analysis of the town.
Plant life
The characteristic feature of plant life in Cieszyn is the occurrence of numerous areas of tree stands and field preserves, and also groups of stenothermal scrub, xerothermic grass and meadows.
Animal life
The animal life in Cieszyn has not been studied extensively. Feeding roe deer (Capreolus capreolus and the European hare (Lepus capensis are a common sight in woodland or on open ground. They are quite often sighted in Lasek Miejski on the Puńcówka, close to the centre of Cieszyn.
Forests and Woodland
Natural forests and cover an area of approximately 206 ha in the Cieszyn area, representing a mere 7% of the town’s total area. Even if areas of woodland are included which are not formally treated as forests the total area only amounts to 11.6% of Cieszyn’s total area.